Each week our 3-6 grade group will be writing a blog about their weekly happenings. Here is what they have to say this week:

We started off the week by talking about recycling and kicking off the first ever LV Recycling Campaign! We decorated the hallways with our very own recycling posters! We also made recycling boxes. We also started a Penny War against the 1st and 2nd grade group to raise money for our last summer field trip! We had our first field trip of the summer on Wednesday. We went to Wildwood Park, we climbed Sugarloaf (we saw a bear - haha) and we cooled off with ice cream from Whit's and water play at the park. We planted our very own tomatoe plants and hope to eat them very soon! We had guest visitors today from the Licking County Recycling Department. They talked to us about what to recycle and also did a really fun game! We had a rocking good first week of summer camp and we are laready looking forward to next weeks' activities.